Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Viagra prescription

Question about on the necessity of selling Viagra in drugstores only strictly under the prescription of the doctor, is already long time discussed. This problem is interesting for many world organizations, in particular, the European medical agency, the WHO. It is bound by the fact that the preparation has strong negative influence on cardiovascular system.

Viagra (Sildenafil Citras) completely is not a vegetative preparation; it is synthetic parentage which has initially been developed for stenocardia and heart failure treatment. In due course the by-effect has been found out: short-term rising of potency. In due course the following side-effect has been found out: short-term rising of potency.

Viagra prescription

As a matter of fact, Sildenafil Citras is used for erectile dysfunction treatment. Actually, it is used for impotency treatment caused by functional and reversible organic disturbances. These are the easiest forms of erectile dysfunction which are easily eliminating by reception of medicamental preparations.

The problem of erectile dysfunction is especially actual recently. It is bound by the fact that on the general background of health deterioration of the nation, young patients demanding treatment began to appear, so it is possible to say that the impotency "looks younger". Because of this preparations , in particular, Viagra, which strengthen an erection became more demanded.

It is possible to say, that Sildenafil influence on erection is collateral and is lesser expressed than its basic reserving – treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore the preparation is capable to lead to dangerous complications in case of unreasonable reception.

Taking into consideration that Viagra is even more often got by people with a normal erection for the purpose of excitement and overcoming before forthcoming sexual contact the interdiction for acquisition of a preparation without the prescription becomes quite clear and proved.

Men accepting a brand-preparation Viagra or its generic-forms should make thrifty use of the health and preliminary consult the andrologist or the urologist.

Purchasing Viagra online without the prescription

Nowadays it is very widespread way of Viagra acquisition. As a rule, the order is carried out through the Internet, on one of online drugstores. Such orders are addressed more often to India where the majority of generics are made. From India the goods already go by mail.

Such variant is convenient because of following reasons:

  • It is much cheaper. Viagra’s generic is much cheaper, than a Viagra from Pfizer. Who’d like to overpay for a name or advertisement?
  • It is easier. The majority of online drugstores don't ask the prescription. Leaving this question under responsibility of the buyer.

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