Friday, March 31, 2017

Allegra. What is necessary to know about it

In this short review, we will try to talk about basic points which are needed to be known during reception of an antiallergenic preparation Allegra.


What is Allegra?

  • Allegra is an antihistamine preparation. Antihistamine preparations struggle against chemical histamine formed in your organism naturally.
  • Allegra is applied to prevent sneeze, cold, itch and lachrymation of eyes and other allergic symptoms.
  • Allegra can be applied in other cases which have been not listed in the given management.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Viagra prescription

Question about on the necessity of selling Viagra in drugstores only strictly under the prescription of the doctor, is already long time discussed. This problem is interesting for many world organizations, in particular, the European medical agency, the WHO. It is bound by the fact that the preparation has strong negative influence on cardiovascular system.

Viagra (Sildenafil Citras) completely is not a vegetative preparation; it is synthetic parentage which has initially been developed for stenocardia and heart failure treatment. In due course the by-effect has been found out: short-term rising of potency. In due course the following side-effect has been found out: short-term rising of potency.

Viagra prescription

As a matter of fact, Sildenafil Citras is used for erectile dysfunction treatment. Actually, it is used for impotency treatment caused by functional and reversible organic disturbances. These are the easiest forms of erectile dysfunction which are easily eliminating by reception of medicamental preparations.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

What causes erectile dysfunction?

Nowadays world associations of urologists understand erectile dysfunction as the disability to support an erection during sexual performance, sufficient for satisfaction, in case these disorders proceed at least within three months. So to say, it is a long-term inability to develop or maintain erection. The term 'erectile dysfunction' was originated in the USA instead of "the impotency", which was considered to be too categorical perception of a problem.

Erectile Dysfunction

According to World Health Organization reports every fifth man on the planet suffers from any form of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction develops at 10% among men older than 21 years and more than 30% among men, elder 60 years. Due to statistics, only 20% of men, suffering from erectile dysfunction, ask for medical aid and only hardly more than 30% of them receive treatment. Others don't consider erectile dysfunction as an illness, and perceive it as a normal implication of aging, a consequence of stresses and weariness. Thus, more than 75 % of men don't address the doctor with this problem, as a result noneffective selftreatment leads to further disease advance. It is necessary to say that often erectile dysfunction becomes an implication of many serious chronic diseases (diabetes, atherosclerosis, strokes, a multiple sclerosis), therefore it is necessary to solve this problem with the help of various experts, through complex body inspection and correctly prescribed treatment.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Viagra Side Effects

During "Pfizer" clinical researches of Viagra, some extremely rare implications of its side effect have been found out. Such complications met less, than among 2 % of surveyed. According to such frequency of complications it is impossible to say authentically, whether they have been caused by this preparation or casually accompanied drug intake. But nevertheless those who favourably treat VIAGRA reception, "Pfizer" company considers necessary to warn about the following:

  • Side effects concerning a whole organism: puffiness, photosensitivity rising, feeling sick, delicacy, headache, fever, giddiness, abdominal pains, allergic implications, stethalgias, casual traumas.
  • Influence on cardiovascular system: anginous attacks at a breast bone, atrioventricular blockade, migraine, extrasystoles, tachycardia, ciliary arrhythmia, dropping of arterial pressure, myocardium ischemia, ischemic stroke (clottage of brain vessels), myocardial infarction, disturbances of conductivity of heart, cardiomyopathy.
  • Side effects concerning alimentary system: vomiting, dryness in a mouth, eructation, ulitis and stomatitis, esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, colitis, deviations in hepatic assays, rectal hemorrhoids.